Wednesday, September 10, 2008

~Hard to understand meh~

Hope the way i write can manage to lead u guys to imagine the scene that i've experienced during work..
Im a kind of person that have weird thinkings or emotions that will pop up in my mind frequently, I mean REALLY FREQUENT.. I can be sad at this minute, than happy on next.. so.. one day.. (i cant remember which day liao.. 1-2 weeks ago gua) when i was working.. we have a full house that day. There was a table filled with 12 women.. TWELVE!!!!

You wont be able to imagine the noise that they've made.. i can see a two seaters table beside was shouting to each other cos they can hardly hear if they lower down..
My mum ever said.. 3 women = 500 ducks quacking in the same time.. IMAGINE.. 12 women.. 6000 ducks quacking at the same time!!!!!
My ears were suffering.. and i cant even what the other customer was ordering.. ends up i shout at them, and they shout back at me..
WORSE than pasar malam lar..
okok.. that's not the point.. so~ these women sat there from 7 till 9.30.. (gals noe lar.. gossip gossip gossip gossip.. complains complains complains...) and finally.. they are leaving.. half drunk, very high.. laugh like there's no one ard looking at them..
I hate big tables, y? Cos big tables mean, there a lot! Hell LOTS to clean up, their wine glasses, their water glasses, their water jars.. their plates, spoons, forks, bowls, sizzling pans.. bla bla bla..
When i start to clean their table, i realized they've left a lot of rice.. and when i saw those rice.. a phrase poped into my mind ‘谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。’I was thinking to use this phrase to write a educational post that teach us not to waste food..
So, i think that it might be good if i take a photo of those leftovers, and post it over here.. cos sometime, visual educations are more powerful and brings greater impact compare with verbal ones. Hence, I start to clean up all those emptied plates and bowls, glasses and cups.. then i carry this plate of rice with one of my hands, and carry those sizzling pans and plates with the other.
I put those emptied ones into a black box (which wat we waitresses will do when cleaning, then ppl in the kitchen will carry the black box and wash the contents).. Ppl in the kitchen was bz with their own task.. Iverson the chef, was bz with the special fried rice, Jeffery (my boss) was bz seasoning lemongrass beef rolls, Ben (yi's bf) was bzing preparing the entrees, viet guy (i dunno his name) was bzing slicing carrot.. and *** (i dunno his name, and i dunno where he's from) was bzing washing the veges, Yi was bzing washing the contents in the black box..
Carrying the plate that filled with rice, i walk out from the kitchen, head to my bag and bring out my handphone.. Went back into the kitchen and stand in front of a big rubbish bin.. 'KA CHA'.. pics taken.. Just when i wanna have a deep thought on how to construct this post.. I realized there was an abnormal silent in the kitchen..
Slowly, i look up.. Yi was standing in front of me.. with her big eyes..
***2 seconds later***
The silence was so uncomfortable.. i start to look ard.. Iverson, holding his cooking shovel, jefferey holding one piece of lemongrass beef roll, Ben, holding his two pieces of spring rolls, Viet guy, holding the knife, *** carrying a half washed cabbage..
***3 seconds later***
The kitchen filled with laughters..
' Are you crazy? why are you taking photos of leftovers?' said jeffery
' Xiao Pang, u alright there?' Yi
' What happened to you? Fever?' Ben
' Cmei.. you ok?' Viet guy.
' U hungry is it? I cook for you lar!' Iverson
*** stays quiet.. but i can c his face.. and in his eyes.. i think he saw a maniac
I really dunno how to react..
I quickly pour the rice into the bin, and put the plate into black box.. and ran away from the kitchen..
I was thinking of trying to explain what im doing, but i think its kinda.. hard.. cos none of them blog.. and none of them are as sentimental as me..
No one noes me..
Anyway.. 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦啦!!


Jarod Yong said...

looks yummy!

~Mei~ said...

wow~ u sure? hahahaha...